We located in Xiamen China, but wholesale oil paintings through out the world. We have a team of the finest reproduction artists in Xiamen, they create works of art that measure up to the highest standards. And we have found a panel to ensure that our high standards met with every piece that leaves our gallery. Each painting is vetted by the panel of our most experienced artists through every step of the painting process. They work with the artists to make sure their reproductions match the color, expression and character of the original. We also do our best to provide you a high level of customer service.
How To Order:
For Custom Portrait Paintings You email us your photo or digital images with your detail requests and we quote your the price.
We can make changes to your images--delete or add someone into the image, insert your face into a famous painting, repaint you in a particular style, or change the background of the image, etc.
For we have the finest artists, we can provide the custom portrait oil paintings with museum quality at a reasonable price.
For Reproductions Of Artwork & Wholesale Oil Paintings You can directly make order on our website by the online oil paintings ordering process,
Our art gallery contains a large quantity of pictures. You will probably find your favorite oil paintings among them from our catalog--
click on the oil painting you want, add it to your cart and then go to checkout! If not find, you still can order oil paintings from us. Just email us your clear pictures with the necessary information. We can paint scenes from your photographs or from your own designs per your request.
Once the painting is finished, the photo of the oil painting with high resolution will be send to you for your confirmation. We are always here to revise the painting if you have any opinions. The delivery only could be done when we receive your approval.
If any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. No matter how small, we are glad to be of service!